We had a great show on the Blog Talk Radio on April 24, as I was able to interview Dr. Phelan author of 1-2-3 Magic. This is a really simple yet thorough book on discipline. My producer pointed out the topic lacked a spiritual component, as my show is called The Spiritual Mom's Corner, and it is true that spirituality as a term was not directly addressed. But my view is being a effective and good parent takes certain amount of detachment. As Dr. Phelan responded when I asked the question of why parents fail to use his methods when they are so easy and simple he said they get into the cycle where they get angry. We talked about how certain parts of our brain turn off when we are angry. How many of us have raised our voices at our kids when we really look back and regret it. I have. As parents we have an awesome responsibility to raise healthy, happy, well adjusted kids who contribute to the greater good of humanity. And who taught us how parent? We learn bad and good from our own parents. We often parent doing the opposite of what our parents on the things we didn't like and copying what we did like. But is this the smartest way to parent? We have the ability to learn from those who have learned better ways to parent. What a great opportunity. If we can just have the strength to ask questions, seek other information when we know we are not parenting as well as we could. We must support each other and help each other in any way we can.
You can hear the show at www.blogtalkradio.com/thespiritualenvoy!
You can hear the show at www.blogtalkradio.com/thespiritualenvoy!