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The Question of Homosexuality

The Question of Homosexuality

September 1, 2007

Earlier this week, I had a client ask this question:

“Is being gay wrong? That has always troubled me. Thank you.”
I compiled a response that I think represents what I have learned thus far about this subject through my ability as a Clairaudient.  It is very simple to understand if we remember that the true God, not the manmade one, runs EVERYTHING.  


This, life, is all a journey, and all of us have tasks to accomplish that complete certain lessons. Let is suffice to say, that from what I know about the nature of reincarnation, more than likely, we will ALL be gay at some point in our journey, as we will all be bigots at some point. Each lifetime has something to teach us. So try and see it this way if you can. God runs EVERYTHING, and we are made, each lifetime, to accomplish the tasks She/He/It has put before you to do. Your primary goal is to weather and accomplish the challenges in that lifetime - your own perception, other's perception, physical challenges, etc. - with the most grace and self-awareness, so that ultimately in each lifetime, you strive for and accomplish being your very best spiritual self. All you have to do is look at a Hermaphrodite to know that God creates people with a range of hormonal levels that do not fall under the "all male" or "all female" categories. If that is true, a person created by God, who is more powerful than we can imagine, can never be anything but perfect, as they are. So if you were "born" with these proclivities, then you are as you should be and carrying out the design you were given this lifetime to live and work with and through, never forgetting and always focused upon being your best self.

Now, having said all of that, however, if being gay is a response to pain and a "decision" made out of reacting to that pain, like say from being molested as a child, or raped, or hating an opposite sexed parent, etc., that is a different issue. It is your responsibility to make sure that you are not allowing the experience to somehow distort your natural spiritual self, to become someone you were not inclined to be. Therefore, you must make sure that your spirit is not damaged, and that you are going with that and harboring anger and hatred developed out of pain. That is not appropriate and must be worked on in order to become your best spiritual self.

Let's say that at the end of that true and genuine examination, and even if you began a journey in homosexuality out of pain, but you have worked hard to make sure you have rid yourself of all hatred, pain, angst, prejudice against the offending sex who originally hurt you, and you still choose to become homosexual after having righted yourself spiritually, that may have been part of God's lesson, and you may be your best spiritual self at that point, but that is tricky. Most, or maybe many people don't actually do the work to be sure they are spiritually well, and somewhere in the backs of their minds is the feeling that "all men are pigs!" or such. Then no, you haven't as a spirit, worked everything out.

Then there is another factor to consider. God runs this show, always. And if you were a bigot against homosexuals in a past lifetime, and say killed one because of your hatred, you can bet that somewhere along the reincarnation journey, you are likely to become a homosexual and that is your task to come back and understand. In that case, you might well be, but not always be, a homosexual who has to learn and understand what pain is caused by such behavior. You might well be in turmoil as a homosexual this lifetime, or be abused as one, or by some and not be homosexual at all, but around them, or work for the causes of same just as well. That also depends upon how God determines you should have the lessons that She figures will bring you to become your best spiritual self during this lifetime.

Therefore, it is a very complex thing, each of our lives, and could not possibly have one ridiculous rule like "all homosexuals are against God and nature, and thus wrong"! Only a controlling person or people who has/have no true understanding of the complexities of God, and the all powerful nature of this master alchemist could impose such a hateful, damaging belief system upon another human being.

Let it go, if it haunts you - on either side of the issue - and strive to become your best spiritual self at all times. Don't let people damage you with their feeble attempts to interpret for a being so much more than most dare to imagine. That is the reason that small minded people develop a system to shame another human being, because they lack the capacity to comprehend such power as is God. Your goal, and mine, is to always get to the root of things and become the most loving and surefooted beings who dispel hate and bigotry in any form. That is our primary and absolute task on this plane, in this dimension, to become our best spiritual selves. Assigning small minded attributes to a being of such enormous and from our standards, infinite power, is just absurd and insulting, like a gnat determining how an elephant pulls a tree trunk down, as if.

If you are doing that, working every day at being and becoming your best self, then you are perfect, so I’ve been told!


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