August 30, 2007 - Thursday Moral Simplicity and The Role of Good and Evil Category: Religion and Philosophy I was about to write something in keeping with my guest on The Spiritual Envoy this week, Clive Doucet, who wrote the book Urban Meltdown, about making spiritual choices and keeping morality simple. Then it dawned upon me that I have already written that in my book The Next God, so I decided to include this short chapter instead. I've never taken a chapter out of the book and published it in some other form, because I've been afraid it would not be able to stand alone. This chapter requires that the reader have some understanding of the chapter before it, which is about making choices and choosing door number one, two or three, and it requires some acceptance that I speak to many spirits that are unseen. Otherwise, I think it can stand alone, so here goes. Hope you enjoy it! Eva CHAPTER THIRTEEN THE ROLE OF GOOD ...
Times, they are a-changin'! This is a discussion about the evolution of the human spirit, and our vast differences. This is a forum for such discussions, through calm, friendly exchange of ideas. Many of the subjects initiated will be provided by Eva Ravenwood, a result of years of talking with spirit folks on the other side and their ongoing discussion of many topics. Please join in with your valued perspective.