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Showing posts from January, 2008

The Role of Good and Evil

August 30, 2007 - Thursday Moral Simplicity and The Role of Good and Evil Category: Religion and Philosophy I was about to write something in keeping with my guest on The Spiritual Envoy this week, Clive Doucet, who wrote the book Urban Meltdown, about making spiritual choices and keeping morality simple. Then it dawned upon me that I have already written that in my book The Next God, so I decided to include this short chapter instead. I've never taken a chapter out of the book and published it in some other form, because I've been afraid it would not be able to stand alone. This chapter requires that the reader have some understanding of the chapter before it, which is about making choices and choosing door number one, two or three, and it requires some acceptance that I speak to many spirits that are unseen. Otherwise, I think it can stand alone, so here goes. Hope you enjoy it! Eva CHAPTER THIRTEEN THE ROLE OF GOOD ...

The Question of Homosexuality

The Question of Homosexuality September 1, 2007 Earlier this week, I had a client ask this question: “Is being gay wrong? That has always troubled me. Thank you.” I compiled a response that I think represents what I have learned thus far about this subject through my ability as a Clairaudient. It is very simple to understand if we remember that the true God, not the manmade one, runs EVERYTHING. Dearest, This, life, is all a journey, and all of us have tasks to accomplish that complete certain lessons. Let is suffice to say, that from what I know about the nature of reincarnation, more than likely, we will ALL be gay at some point in our journey, as we will all be bigots at some point. Each lifetime has something to teach us. So try and see it this way if you can. God runs EVERYTHING, and we are made, each lifetime, to accomplish the tasks She/He/It has put before you to do. Your primary goal is to weather and accomplish the challenges in that lifetime -...

The Power of an Open Mind

THE POWER OF AN OPEN MIND 1-12-08 If I had to put a numerical value upon the reasons that some people are successful with the readings I offer and eventual spiritual growth and change, and others are not, it would have to equate to the level of open-mindedness that they have, exhibit and act upon. It is not will or strength that makes for changes initially, but instead those factors drive the direction that an open mind determines. It is not love or wonder either, unless they are new by-products of the actions taken by an open mind. It appears that an open mind paves the way for any changes a spirit must make to better itself, and a closed mind either shuts down the road, or makes a massive detour of the road toward spiritual progress. So what makes a person operate with an open mind, and thus make more spiritual progress? Apparently, the decision to do so is all that is needed. The decision then guides things like true self examination and...