Teaching Our Children About God You know I guess I have procrastinated about blogging about this show. I really like doing the show but it also gave me some personal anxiety (Danah here). It seems to me we are all on a journey to learn and grow and as Eva says be our best spiritual selves. But this looks so different for each and every one of us. I will use myself as an example. I was brought up by very strict Christian Reformed grandparents. This is a religion which started in Holland and as my family came to the US they brought it with them. It is very strict and in many ways did not match my own personality. So this show was a tough one for me as I believe I left . . . spirituality with my being uncomfortable with the religion I was born into. So I sure don’t feel like I have much to say on teaching children about God because I am still learning and at the infant stage myself. With this disclaimer, I will recap some of the thoughts which were shared in the show....
Times, they are a-changin'! This is a discussion about the evolution of the human spirit, and our vast differences. This is a forum for such discussions, through calm, friendly exchange of ideas. Many of the subjects initiated will be provided by Eva Ravenwood, a result of years of talking with spirit folks on the other side and their ongoing discussion of many topics. Please join in with your valued perspective.