The Spiritual Evolution We are headed toward a new spiritual paradigm in which exclusionary religious practices will become archaic. That, in my opinion, is probably good, because it makes it much harder to "kill in the name of God" if nobody else agrees that God sanctions killing in Her/His/Its name. The reason this is happening is because it has proven to be such an inefficient and self-destructive system to operate in a mode of exclusion, as in "If you do not believe in ___ then you will not go to heaven; or You are not a child of God; or it is our right to exclude you from whatever because you are an abomination." None of these practices have anything to do with God, and apparently, the Creator is tired of us lying on It/Him/Her. Thus people like me, who can hear directly, are getting messages from the other side to stop this nonsense, and people who can feel the true love and power of God are recognizing it for the archaic belief systems of control that they ar...
Times, they are a-changin'! This is a discussion about the evolution of the human spirit, and our vast differences. This is a forum for such discussions, through calm, friendly exchange of ideas. Many of the subjects initiated will be provided by Eva Ravenwood, a result of years of talking with spirit folks on the other side and their ongoing discussion of many topics. Please join in with your valued perspective.